Coaches & Managers
All Team Staff (Head Coach, Assistant Coaches, and Team Managers)
must Register with NYHA.
- Complete registration ONCE per season.
- Read this page before registering.
- Click the "Register" button to the right to register with Nashoba.
Registration Process
Complete the following before participating in any team activities:
- Register as a member of USA Hockey. USA Hockey Registration
- Lookup USA Hockey CEP# (this is different from your USA Hockey#). Confirm Certification Level, expiration date, and Age Specific Modules completed. CEP# Lookup
- Register with Nashoba Youth Hockey. Click "Register" button in top right column on this page.
- Complete the background screening. USA Hockey Background Screening
- Complete the USA Hockey Safe Sport Training. Required every year and cannot be added to a roster until completed. SafeSport Training
- Complete the online age-specific module(s) for the age level of play you are coaching (ie. 8&under, 10&under, 12 &under, 13+, Fundamentals). Only needs to be completed once per age level. Must be completed PRIOR to participating in any team activities and cannot be added to a roster until completed USA Hockey Age Specific Modules
The following must be completed by Dec. 31st each season):
Coaching Education Program Certification Clinic Requirements (Certification Levels 1 - 5)
- Find, register and attend the required certification clinic. You can only attend one clinic per season and all coaches start at Level 1. You can take clinics from April 1-Dec. 31 each season. USA Hockey Coaching Clinics
Complete the following before participating in any team activities:
- Register as a member of USA Hockey.
- Register as a volunteer
- Cost is free
- USA Hockey Registration
- Register with Nashoba Youth Hockey.
- Click "Register" button in the top right column on this page.
- Register as a Manager.
- Complete the background screening. USA Hockey Background Screening
- Complete the USA Hockey Safe Sport Training.
- Choose SafeSport Trained Core or Core Refresher course
- Required every year and cannot be added to a roster until completed.
- SafeSport Training
A note about locker room monitors:
NYHA requires that locker room monitors complete SafeSport training to monitor locker rooms.
Coaching Education Program Info.
Rules & Requirements
Standards for USA Hockey certified coaches
USA Hockey Coaching Ethics Code
Coaching Clinics
USA Hockey Coaching Clinic Registration
*A username is required to login. This login is NOT related to your USA Hockey member registration or modules.
Age Specific Modules
Module Registration
Online Certification List
USA Hockey Coach Lookup List:
Search for a coach's certification and completion of an online age-specific module, and print a CEP card.
Student Coaches
USA Hockey Student Coach Regulations
Check Back Later...
We are not currently accepting registrations for this program.